Patcha's Big Adventure - The Beginning (Update 001)
Hello one and all!
Im CrayoNS Lead Game Designer for Patcha's Big Adventure and I cannot put into words how excited I am to be talking to you about the development of this game.
PBA has been a game that for the last 2 years has been in the back of my head. When I was younger I was obsessed with platformers from the early 2000's and late 1990's. Like what made games like Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64 so much fun?
Well thats what PBA is all about... To re-capture the magic of those early 3d platformers but of course add a modern twist.
Well I've said his name at least 5 times now but who or what is Patcha and why is he on a big adventure?
This is Patcha. He is a small little maintenance droid whos main goal is to keep everything on his ship running and ship shape while its human occupants migrate across the stars.
This concept art was created from my original sketches by my amazing friend Freya who we can all agree is super talented at concept art.
Although im not going to go into the story of PBA today I am going to share Patcha's moveset with you so you can get an idea of what kind of game you are in for...
Patchas Move set:
W, A, S, D - movement, patchas basic movement is a slow and gentle jog
Left shift - Sprint
space - jump
space (hold) - slight glide while in the air (only lasts a short time approx 4 seconds)
left control - crouch
left control while sprinting - slide
jump while crouched - backflip
wall jump - Jumping off of walls
left control while jumping - Dive
mouse 1 - melee attach (punch(can damage enemeis and break small blocks))
mouse 2 - Aim down sights
mouse 1 (while aiming down sights with mouse 2) - shoot projectile
Ledge climbing – if patcha is hanging off of a ledge from jumping into it or falling onto it press space again to climb up.
Obviously this is patchas basic movement and attacking moveset, there is more to talk about regarding patcha but im not gonna spoil all of the surprises now.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the first Devlog of this project and I look forward to bringing you more updates.
Best wishes
From CrayoNS
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